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"The place to be!"

A review of Hull International House by Stephane Zaourou written on Friday 17th of March 2017


I stayed there in 1992-1993 and it was just the place any student clould dream of : no luxury but so friendly. 50 People, 25 nationalities. In the kitchen, you could smell and taste some Incredible food. 5-year-old Anita showed me how to play snooker, must be a smart lady today. I made friends for ever with Yemi, Amar, Surin, Naz, Solomon, Maria and many more. Tea, cakes and scones every Sunday in the main room. If Graham and his family are still around, let me tell you my love for this place and my respect for your humbleness. When I received that phone call one evening saying my father was dead, everybody was around me the very next minute helping me dry my tears. I left the International House on my tiptoes early one morning because I did not want to make noise but also because it would have been so sad to say goodbye. Maybe some day I will pay a visit..

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Hull International House

Map showing Hull International House on Westbourne Avenue
